Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography


A capstone is the final stone that’s ceremonially placed atop a brand new building. It is the culmination of a building project, like a crowning jewel.


This is the photojournalism program capstone course. As such, you will demonstrate and enhance your photojournalism skills by adding quality media to your online portfolio. Your final portfolio will showcase your unique versatility and personal vision and is expected to have professional quality standards.


Elevate your personal standards

Make strong connections with peers, subjects, and professionals

Maintain a photography blog, online portfolio and a professional Instagram account

Create strong and professional visual media to enhance your marketability

Buddy System

Some very close relationships have blossomed from the buddy system. You will be paired with another student. Contact your buddy when you need support, encouragement and advice. You must be in close contact with your buddy all semester. All assignments must be looked over by your buddy before they are posted to your blog. Expectations include advising each other about assignment and story ideas and implementation. Go over each other’s photographs for editing and toning. Help with video shooting and editing. Check writing.

ST. LOUIS, MICHIGAN – NOVEMBER 13: James Hall in St. Louis, MI, Wednesday, November, 13, 2017. Hall lost his daughter Jerra when she was just two years old. He is not alone in wondering whether his exposure to a chemical toxin as a child can be linked to daughter’s death. Visual: Jeffrey Sauger for


How the class is framed

Blog all of your assignments and write a minimum of 250 words about what you learned for every assignment as if telling a friend about your experience.


World Famous Photographer Paper – 100
Martin Luther King Video – 150
Personal Vision Video – 100
Online Portfolio – 100
Sports Stills Assignment – 100
Sports Video Assignment – 150
Festival Video Assignment – 150
Subtotal – 850

Studio Lighting Assignment – 75
Studio Lighting Assignment – 75
Studio Lighting Assignment – 75
Studio Lighting Assignment – 75
Final Multimedia Project – 300
Total: 1150 points

Grading Scale
1150 – 1070 = A
1069 – 1035 = A-
1034 – 1001 = B+
1000 – 955 = B
954 – 920 = B-
919 – 886 = C+
885 – 840 = C
839 – 805 = C-
804 – 771 = D+
770 – 725 = D
724 – 690 = D-
689 – = E

Final Project

Shoot a long term multimedia special project

Note: You are not allowed to shoot an event for your final project. Final Projects must be long term. You must choose topics that will enable you to continuously shoot your projects over the last five weeks of the semester. You will be required to visit your source at least eight times.


Do not make excuses. Your boss, editor or producer do not care, they need your completed assignment to do their job. If you become reason they cannot complete their job enough times, you may not keep that job very long. Think on your feet, reach out from field if it’s an emergency. Excuses only hurt you and annoy others. Instead, discuss solutions.

New treatments have helped Emily Schaller, a 27-year-old cystic fibrosis patient, from Trenton, MI, recently run a half marathon. She wears her “smart vest,” which shakes her chest to help break up mucous in her lungs and inhales from her nebulizer on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. She wears the vest for 25 minutes at least once every day. She inhales Pulmozyme for 7 minutes once and inhales hyper-tonic saline (salt water) twice every day. (Jeffrey Sauger/For the New York Times)


This is a time for everyone to get involved. Not just a few. The goal of classroom critique is growth. We are here to produce compelling photojournalism. What you may like for emotional reasons, may not be what a professional photojournalist or editor finds to be the most useful for telling the story. Mutual feedback is critical. Be constructive in your critique and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. What was successful about the work? How can this work be improved? Treat yourself and others with respect.

Receiving Critique

When receiving critique do not get defensive. Everything you do can be done better. Humility will lead to growth. Don’t fight others’ perspectives. Embrace them and learn from them.


Don’t miss class ever. I want you here for all 16 meetings. Your classmates want you here too. If you must miss class for dire circumstances (or Covid), you must email me before class.

Due Dates

Late assignments will not be accepted unless you and I agree on a different due date ahead of time.
If an alternative late date is accepted you will still lose 20 points. If you are late and did not contact me, your assignment will not be accepted and you will receive 0 points.

Extra Credit

You will be given 10 extra credit points for completing any of the following:
• Attend the MPPA Seminar in April and write a 1 1/2 page reflection paper about what you learned (due the following week)
• Enter the MPPA photojournalism contest

Covid Policy

See this page for Covid information and resources. If you are sick, please do not come to class. If you were exposed to someone with Covid, please wear a mask.

Other Rules

• When you come into the classroom, please put your phone in your pocket or in your purse.
• No photographs, audio or video taken before the beginning of the semester will be accepted for assignments except for your final portfolio.
• Photographs and video may not be turned in for more than one class.
• Some assignments may be retained for future use as examples unless you request that they not be used.
• In this class, you may not photograph friends or family members (roomates, housemates, significant others) unless you get my approval.
• For all still photo assignments you must submit 3 original files (beginning, middle and end) with intact metadata to your JRN 521 folder on OneDrive.
• Laptops are allowed in class for classwork only. There will be times when you will be asked to put away your laptop.
• You are required to have a notebook and pen available at all times.


You may borrow equipment from the School of Communication, Journalism and Media. It is your responsibility to test equipment and make sure it works before leaving the equipment room. Equipment failure on assignment does not excuse you from the assignment requirements or due date. Please return equipment on time. You get two days. Return by 1:45 p.m. If you are late more than three times you will lose your borrowing privileges. Take good care of equipment. If something breaks, you must report it to me, not just the SCJM staff, immediately. Your fellow students are counting on you to report it.

American Disabilities Act

Central Michigan University provides individuals with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in university activities.  Individuals with disabilities requiring an accommodation should call the service director. Please refer to their website at: http://www.cmich.edu/ada/students.htm

Classroom Civility

Each CMU student is encouraged to help foster an atmosphere that facilitates learning and which promotes dignity and mutual respect, regardless of background, culture or racial differences. Students who speak at inappropriate times, sleep in class, display hostility, engage in loud or obstructive or distracting behavior may be asked to leave the class and may be subjected to disciplinary action under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures.

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism and or using images that are not your original work are not acceptable. Fabrication of images and/or multimedia is also not acceptable. Emulation is OK but copying is not. Any of this conduct constitutes academic dishonesty and all who are found guilty of such acts will be referred to the Office of Student Life for discipline and will result in a failing grade for the assignment or a failing grade for this course or a dismissal from the department of journalism. Your work is expected to comply with the University’s Policy on Academic Integrity. Copies of this policy are available on the University’s website at: http://ethics.cmich.edu/ACADEMIC_INTEGRITY_POLICY.pdf

Use of Artificial Intelligence
Generated Materials Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and platforms (e.g., Generative Fill Adobe Photoshop, ChatGPT, Google AI, Boost.ai, Jasper, etc.) are new technological additions to the higher education landscape and are rapidly evolving. Submitting text and other products generated by AI tools and platforms as your own original work is prohibited and a violation of CMU’s Academic Integrity policy. Do not use it in your work for my class.

Diversity and Sexual Harassment

We are part of a diverse community. It is my goal to provide a comfortable learning environment for all the students in this class. If you experience any kind of racial prejudice or sexual harassment from another individual, please report it to me immediately.

Department of Journalism Learning Outcomes

1. Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Journalism at Central Michigan University is to provide students with a body of knowledge and a system of inquiry that inform and enrich their professional preparation; to prepare students for a profession in which they are accountable for their knowledge, ethics, service and competence to the public, their clients, and consumers.

2. Upon graduation, students earning either the BA or the BS degree in the journalism major should be able to:

Goal 1: Provide students with a body of knowledge and a system of inquiry and scholarship that inform and enrich their professional preparation.

1.1  Identify the basic concepts of journalism and mass communication necessary to be a professional practitioner.

1.2  Explain the history and role of business entrepreneurs, innovators, professionals and institutions in shaping communications.

1.3  Explain how globalization and convergence affect the functioning of the media in modern society.

1.4  Conduct independent investigation to gather, analyze, organize, and synthesize information (words, images, numbers) on a contemporary topic.

Goal 2: Prepare students with job skills necessary to establish accountability to employers.

2.1 Communicate information (words, images, numbers) effectively to particular audiences and through specific delivery systems.

2.2 Effectively use language, images and numbers in their work.

2.3 Effectively edit their own work and that of others.

2.4 Evaluate credible and diverse sources of information and opinion.

2.5 Use the tools and technologies appropriate for the profession in which they work.

2.6 Think critically, creatively, independently and collaboratively.

2.7 Manage work tasks to comply with deadlines.

Goal 3: Prepare students for a profession in which they are accountable to clients and the public for their ethics, service and professional competence.

3.1 Explain the relationship between issues of diversity and laws, policies, social relationships, and cultures of America.

3.2 Discuss issues involving diversity that arise in the workplace.

3.3 Apply principles of the First Amendment and the law to issues that arise in professional practice.

3.4 Demonstrate professional dispositions necessary to be a successful journalist or media-related practitioner.

3.5 Demonstrate accuracy, fairness and truth in journalistic or other media-related process and product.