Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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Famous Photographer Paper and Presentation

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Ed Kashi

This is an exciting assignment that will pair you with a world renowned photographer. Choose a photographer that aligns with your dreams and goals.


  • Choose and research a very famous photojournalist. They can be from anywhere in the world. Or choose a famous photographer that is doing the same thing that you want to do in the future.
  • Add your choice to comments below. -First come, first serve.
  • Set up video interview via Webex, Teams, Zoom, or Facetime with prepared questions. Using your phone is OK but not ideal. Email should be done only as a last resort.
  • Record it and share a portion of your Video meeting with the class.
  • Give a brief bio of your photographer.
  • Use significant quotes from your photographer.
  • Discuss how you feel about the photographer’s work.
  • Discuss how your photographer became so famous.
  • Discuss how your photographer’s work has affected social change.
  • Discuss the style of your photographer’s work and how it has influenced you.
  • Ask your photographer for advice for fellow student photojournalists.
  • Discuss anything else you find important.
  • Prepare and practice a 5 minute presentation using PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi. Include 10 to 15 images by your photographer. Include recorded highlights from your remote Video meeting. Do not read from your notes or your paper. Speak to the class in a conversational tone.
  • Write a 4-5 page double spaced paper with at least 1200 words. 12 pt. Times New Roman. One inch margins. Turn in a hard copy.
  • 15 EC points if you bring your photographer to class via remote video during your presentation for a few brief questions from classmates
  • Post your presentation to your blog.



Presentations Due January 29

Bring a hard copy of your paper.

Email me a digital copy of your paper.

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One response to “Famous Photographer Paper and Presentation”

  1. Natalie Yamarino Avatar
    Natalie Yamarino

    Annie Flanagan

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