Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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Sports Stills Assignment

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St. Louis Cardinals Juan Encarnacion is safe at first as Carlos Guillen is late with tag during the fourth inning of the game 1 of the World Series on Saturday, October 21, 2006. (Jeffrey Sauger/MLB.com)



Shooting sports is a common assignment for the photojournalist. Shooting sports will strengthen your ability to capture a moment. It will sharpen your feature photo skills. So much action and reaction is going on at once. Shooting sports provides the photographer ample ways of making good photos and adding to their portfolio.

  • How much delay is involved between when you anticipate the moment and when the moment is recorded?
  • What shutter speed should be used to stop action?
  • What lenses are best for which sport?
  • What aperture is best?
  • How important is it to follow the ball?
  • What information do I need for a complete caption? How do I get that information?
  • Why should I photograph the scoreboard?


Shoot a sports event of your choice. See the URLs below that show days and times for CMU sports. You can shoot any high school sports as well.

The sports event must be a traditional athletic event with uniforms, referees, a scoreboard, coaches and a clock. No exceptions.

You will be graded on your ability to shoot peak action, make compelling feature photos, write strong captions, and technical abilities.

Blog three action photos, three reaction shots or feature photos and one emotional landscape scene setter. Each should have complete captions and settings. Remember, for all Stills assignments, you must upload 3 original/raw files from the beginning, middle and end of your assignment with the original metadata to your personal JRN 521 folder on OneDrive.

Blog your entire experience like you are speaking with your mom or dad. What did you learn? Blog about anything you struggled with and blog about any breakthroughs. Due Date: Monday, February 26, 2024.

Composite CMU Sports Schedule Jan. 2024

Composite CMU Sports Schedule Feb. 2024

Composite MPHS Sports Schedule Jan. 2024

Composite MPHS Sports Schedule Feb. 2024



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