Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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First Draft Due Feb. 19, presented in class.
Make a compelling online portfolio, resume, and cover letter.

Please send me your 1-2 page “career goals” paper by Sunday 2/18. Talk a little bit about your path to photography, what you’ve learned so far, your career goals (can be as broad or as specific as you want to get,) and also the work of a photographer whose work you connect with or inspires you, be sure to talk about how and why.


  1. Make your homepage a “static page” with navigation links
  2. You may use WordPress, Weebly, SamExhibit4ormat.comSquareSpaceSolofolio, Wix, Photoshelter or any other online portfolio service.
  3. Help with WordPress.
  4. Choose your headings wisely.
  5. Gather your singles, videos and multimedia.
  6. Build content by creating pages and sub-pages.
  7. Include an “About” page and write a compelling bio. Include a quality portrait of yourself and your personal vision video profile.
  8. Make it easy for viewers to contact you.
  9. Showcase your images and videos in a prominent and easy to navigate manner.
  10. All photos must include captions. Picture stories and videos must include a short story (200-300 words).
  11. Functionality and usability will be the two main criteria used for grading.
  12. Link your Instagram account to your online portfolio.
  13. Clean up your online footprint.
  14. Post your first draft online portfolio to your blog by Feb. 19.

http://libbymarch.com https://libbymarch.tumblr.com/


“Blogging to Keep Them Coming Back” from a series on photographer portfolios by Deb Pang Davis




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