Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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Length requirements are 2:00 to 3:30. 

This is not a highlight reel. It’s a feature video about an athlete or a feature video about anything related to sports. Find a specific compelling story within the sport of your choice. 

Due March 11


  1. Talk with folks familiar with a sport or team. Find a unique and interesting story.
  2. This is not a highlight reel. It’s a feature video about an athlete or a feature video about a team. Or an unusual or interesting situation.
  3. Shoot strong action and reaction video. 
  4. The interview should not dominate the piece. Weave B-Roll (natural video) in and out of your video. Show us rather than have someone talk about it the whole time. 
  5. Choose a situation with strong characters.
  6. Intro should capture the audience’s attention. Shoot and edit a strong intro to grab your audience’s attention within the first ten seconds. 
  7. Make sure your story idea will provide you with compelling visuals.
  8. Vary your subject to camera distance for the interview. Consider using two cameras.
  9. Log your footage.
  10. Edit your audio first. Remember, audio drives your story.
  11. Use a title slide, credits and lower thirds where appropriate.
  12. Use voice over if it helps to advance the story.
  13. Use cutaways to avoid jump cuts and to show us a visual narrative.
  14. Shoot lots of B-roll especially detail shots, wide shots and overall shots. -LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS. START EDITING WITH WAY MORE B-ROLL THAN YOU NEED. 
  15. Make sure you have visuals that compliment the audio.
  16. In most cases, your B-roll should have a small amount of audio. Around -12 to -15db
  17. Your story must show an obvious beginning, middle and end.
  18. Visit and shoot the sporting event on more than one occasion if possible.
  19. Show your subject in different settings.
  20. Show relationships.
  21. Go behind the scenes.
  22. If you use music it must be neutral. In other words it should not alter the emotional message of the story. It must not be commercial. Resources: Bensound.com and https://mobygratis.com/.


  1. Stream your video on your blog before the due date
  2. Choose a compelling thumbnail for your video as it will appear on your screen before you press play.
  3. Write a 200 word short story and include it under your video on your blog.
  4. With a special heading, write about your experience.
  5. Include a compelling title both in the video and on the screen where your video resides.


  • Compelling video and audio
  • Technical quality of video and audio
  • Would an online news organization publish your piece?



Living a legacy

Still Dancing

CMU Softball 2017

A Passion for Rugby



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