Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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Studio Lighting Assignments

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You may shoot four Photography Studio Techniques lighting assignments of your choice in place of a final multimedia project from the JRN 420 class under these categories:

Studio Portrait
Location Light Portrait

You must shoot three of the four categories. You may shoot one of the categories twice. Of course you can shoot each one.

You must follow each of the individual assignment requirements and guidelines as written on the posts for each assignment on the JRN 420 Blog page. All assignments will require you to photograph two COMPLETELY different photos of two COMPLETELY different situations.

All four lighting assignments must be photographed using completely different backgrounds, subjects (no friends, family or significant others), and lighting techniques. In short, they must all be substantially different from each other. Do not use flash on camera as your main source of light.

Blog all of your assignments and write a minimum of 250 words about what you learned for every assignment as if telling a friend about your experience.

Remember to include your camera settings and lighting diagrams for every photo that you turn in.

For all still photo assignments you must submit 3 original files (one photo from the beginning, middle and end) with intact metadata to your JRN 521 folder on OneDrive.

There are four studio lighting assignments due and five weeks to do them. During the last five weeks you may choose one week off. It’s your choice. Please let me know which week you will take off as we go.

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