Welcome to JRN 521!

Seminar in News Photography

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Martin Luther King Week – Video

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Shoot a video story that personalizes an event or events of Martin Luther King Week
CMU Martin Luther King Schedule of Activities

  • Interview a person or persons deeply involved with the activities of the week prior to the activities.
    • List questions
    • STRONGLY Suggest shooting the parade on Monday
  • Shoot a formal interview using video.
      • Light the interview and frame it properly.
      • Use a suitable background.
      • Think of the interview as a portrait and make sure the surroundings enhance the story.
      • Do not use a brick wall as a background for the interview.
      • Use a telephoto lens for the interview.
      • Shoot two or three angles to give you good editing resources. Shoot medium and tight.
      • Use manual focus for the interview to avoid focus search.
      • Use a tripod for the interview.
      • Use an appropriate mic for the interview.
  • Shoot tons of B-roll.
  • Include B-roll audio
  • Follow your subject engaged in MLK activities to visualize the interview.
  • CommUNITY Peace March and Vigil will begin in the Bovee UC Rotunda at 3:00 p.m. Monday January 15, to march through the residential area and proceed downtown.
  • Your video story must be between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes.
  • Plan your project thoroughly.
  • Include natural audio and weave it throughout your story.
  • Use title slides, credits and lower thirds where appropriate.
  • Vary your camera angle and subject to camera distance dramatically. Wide. Medium. Tight.
  • Repeat: WIDE. MEDIUM. TIGHT. Shoot way more B-roll than you think you need.
  • Tell a visual story with a beginning, middle and end.
  • Use the editing programs of your choice.
  • Research your story appropriately.
  • Make your story character driven.
  • Write a half-page short story and add it to your blog.
  • Shoot enough B-roll so you do not need to rely on interview footage.
  • Avoid displaying long scenes of just a talking head. Use B-roll instead.
  • Use an external mic


Post your video story before class on January 22.
Embed your video on your blog.

Include a 500 word story in your blog post.


“Not a Day Off” by Becky Particka


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